Love Hurts. This simple statement expresses everything there is to know about Jin-ho Hur’s One Fine Spring Day, a movie that is about the awkwardness of attraction and the pain of a burning passion suddenly doused. It is about love found, love enthralled, and finally love lost.
Sang-woo lives with his father, his stepmother, and grandmother in the South Korean countryside. They’re out in the country, although you wouldn’t know it by Sang-woo’s many electronics, including a cellphone and his job as a sound engineer dubbing voices for TV shows. Sang-woo and his family is caring for his elderly grandmother, who is suffering from the loss of her husband.
We learn that years ago Sang-woo’s grandfather cheated on his wife, and that betrayal continues to haunt the family. Despite that, the grandmother’s love for her husband has never diminished because she journeys each morning to the town bus station to wait for her husband to return home from work. The movie hints that Sang-woo’s grandmother suffers from Alzheimer’s, but one suspects it’s actually more of a self-inflicted illness.
One day, Sang-woo is hired for a temporary project to record nature sounds with a young woman who works as a DJ at a radio station in the next town over. The woman, Eun-su, and Sang-woo immediately falls for one another, and their romance begins after a few awkward moments where both take tentative baby steps toward a relationship. Once they give in to the passion, they are inseparable, and life seems effortless and grand. That is, until the passion begins to leave Eun-su and she finds herself wishing to withdraw from Sang-woo, but unsure how to do it. Unfortunately for the fledging couple, Sang-woo’s passion for Eun-su shows no signs of abating.

Hur is lucky to have found two perfect actors in Ji-Tae Yu (Sang-woo) and Young-Ae Lee (Eun-su). Yu brings a sense of vulnerability to his role as Sang-woo, a confidant young man who falls head over heels for Eun-su, and is unable to relinquish that feeling even after Eun-su begins to drop hints that she needs to move on. Lee’s Eun-su is not entirely unlikable, although she does do some unflattering things toward the love-struck Sang-woo that might appear harsh and even cruel. Her character is in transition, a young woman who needs affection and gets it from Sang-woo, but we always get the feeling she is not in love, but rather in love with the notion of having someone with her.
Sang-woo, it seems, was a convenient lover. It isn’t long before Eun-su drifts toward someone else, leaving Sang-woo to deal with the pieces of their relationship and his unchanged feelings for her. How he deals with it is enough to make you cringe, but at the same time you can’t help but completely understand because we’ve all been there. This is human nature. This is what happens when someone you’re in love with falls out of love with you.

Love is grand. But it also hurts like a sonofabitch.
Director: Jin-ho Hur
Screenplay: Jin-ho Hur
Yeong-ae Lee …. Eun-su
Ji-tae Yu …....... Sang-woo
Sang-hui Baek…. Grandmother
In-hwan Park .…. Father